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Drug Crimes Attorney in Westchester County, New York

Also Fighting Criminal Charges
throughout White Plains

According to the New York State Department of Criminal Justice, 90,908 arrests were made for drug offenses in 2016. In Westchester County, that number was 2,454. If you’ve been arrested on drug charges, you are probably worried about your future. Maybe you’ve heard or even experienced first-hand how tough the system can be on people accused of drug-related crimes. Your concern is real, but you should know that things aren’t necessarily as bad as they seem.

Westchester drug crime lawyer Michael Litman has helped hundreds of clients deal with the legal challenges stemming from drug charges. With years of experience, he’s been here with clients many times before, and he knows how to help.

Do First-Time Drug Offenders Go to Jail?

Mandatory minimum sentence for possession is 2 to 10 years incarcerated plus a $5,000 fine, not to mention all the other charges and court fees. Charges are based upon the classification of the drug in addition to the amount you had in your possession and any prior drug charges.

Call us now for a free consultation about your case.

Cases We Handle

If you’re arrested for drug charges, the first request you should make is to call an attorney. Your attorney can then deal with the authorities on your behalf and make sure you don’t do anything that is incriminating. After requesting an attorney, remain silent and wait for your lawyer to intervene.

The authorities might try to get you to make statements that will later be used against you, but you should resist the temptation to talk. Remember: Ask for your attorney. Call the Law Office of Michael D. Litman.

We offer representation for many drug crime allegations, including:

How We Can Help

There are several ways to lessen charges. In some cases, they can even be dismissed altogether.

This can be achieved by:

  • Investigating the arrest: Was the arrest handled by the book? Was it justified? Did the police overlook any necessary procedures or break any protocols while arresting you? Any oversights or mistakes before, during, or after the arrest can undermine that arrest. If the police acted improperly, we’ll find out how.

  • Looking for inaccuracies in drug charges: Is the prosecutor’s case against you built on solid evidence, or is it a weak case? In some circumstances, the authorities make charges that can be contested, and a criminal defense lawyer will know how to look for vulnerabilities in the case being made against his or her client.

  • Making sure your rights are protected: In addition to procedural mistakes during an arrest, an attorney will also look for other errors and overreaches by the authorities to make sure that their client hasn’t been mistreated. If a client’s rights have been violated, this gives your attorney the opportunity to go on the offensive.

  • Arranging a plea deal: An attorney can sometimes arrange a plea deal to have charges against their client lessened or dismissed. An attorney will make a case based on their client’s history, their current situation, or the circumstances of the arrest.

These are just a few of the methods an attorney might utilize when looking for ways to help a client. Each case is unique. Our firm approaches each case based on the specifics of your arrest and the charges against you.

Charged With a Drug Crime?

Get in Touch

What Comes After Being Charged?

New York offers several types of diversion programs instead of jail time for eligible defendants. Eligible defendants may request an evaluation for diversion to drug court. If accepted, there will be a written agreement outlining the terms of the defendant’s involvement in drug court. The defendant will be required to enter an initial plea of guilty—to at least one charge—for the court to use as leverage to make sure the drug court program is completed. If the defendant successfully completes drug court, often all charges are dismissed.

Drug Laws & Their Respective Charges

Drug laws vary depending on several factors: the type of drug, the amount, and the charge—whether it was possession, trafficking, or any of a number of other circumstances.

The most common drugs and their related laws in New York include:

  • Marijuana charges

    • Possession of more than 25 grams is a misdemeanor

    • More than 8 oz. is a felony

    • No jail time for first violations

    • Possession of more than 10 pounds of marijuana is a class C felony with a maximum prison sentence of 9 years

    • Sale of marijuana starts at the misdemeanor level and can increase to the C felony level for selling more than 16 oz.

  • Cocaine charges

    • Possessing less than 500 mg is a class A misdemeanor punishable by up to 1 year in jail

    • Possession of 8 oz. or more is a class A-1 felony with a maximum sentence of 15-30 years

    • Sentences for sale of cocaine start as a class D felony and increase up to a class A-1 felony

  • Heroin charges

    • Possession of more than 500 milligrams is a class D felony

    • Possession of more than 8 oz. is a class A-1 felony

    • Intent to sell more than ½ oz. is a class A-II felony

    • Sale of more than 2 oz. is a class A-1 felony

    • Intent to sell any amount on school grounds or to someone under 21 is a Class B felony

How Drug Charges Can Impact Your Life

Drug charges can lead to harsh penalties. In addition to fines and imprisonment, a criminal record poses many challenges in someone’s personal life.

Drug charges can result in:

  • Fewer job opportunities

  • Limited educational opportunities

  • Denied loans

  • Difficulties finding housing

  • Judgment of peers, loved ones, and community members

  • Frequent drug testing

  • Scrutiny from probation or parole officers and courts

If you’re facing drug charges, you may feel overwhelmed by the potential challenges your criminal record will pose in your life. You should know that many people have found success in life despite these setbacks, and it’s entirely possible to overcome the challenges you’re facing.

Get help fighting the charges against you by calling us now.